Dagger | Unskilled / Expert |
Axe | Unskilled / Expert |
Sword | Basic / Expert |
Bludgeoning weapon | Basic / Master |
Flail | Unskilled / Expert |
Quarterstaff | Unskilled / Expert |
Polearm | Unskilled / Expert |
Thrusting weapon | Unskilled / Expert |
Bow | Unskilled / Expert |
Sling | Unskilled / Expert |
Crossbow | Unskilled / Expert |
Whip | Unskilled / Expert |
Arcane spell | Expert / Expert |
Clerical spell | Basic / Expert |
Healing spell | Basic / Expert |
Divination spell | Basic / Master |
Abjuration spell | Basic / Expert |
Movement spell | Basic / Grand Master |
Transmutation spell | Basic / Expert |
Enchantment spell | Skilled / Expert |
Conjuration spell | Expert / Expert |
Bare handed combat | Unskilled / Expert |
Dual wielding | Unskilled / Expert |
Two-handed weapon | Expert / Expert |
Thrown weapon | Skilled / Grand Master |
Dodge | Expert / Expert |
Shield | Skilled / Expert |
Wand | Expert / Expert |
Riding | Unskilled / Expert |
Digging | Expert / Expert |
Disarm trap | Expert / Expert |
You had 0 skill slots available
Detect food | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Detect blessedness | 100% success | 21 castings left |
Protection | 100% success | 14 castings left |
Levitation | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Hold monster | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Enlightenment | 100% success | 3 castings left |
Dominate monster | 100% success | 7 castings left |
Sphere of charming | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Protection from death magic | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Cure petrification | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Shield | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Silence | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Enchant armor | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Portal | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Divine strength | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Fire-enchant item | 100% success | 25 castings left |
Electrocute | 100% success | 130 castings left |
Detect treasure | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Absolution | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Protection from petrification | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Fire storm | 100% success | 52 castings left |
Mirror image | 100% success | 35 castings left |
Greater healing | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Fire bolt | 100% success | 100 castings left |
Greater magic missile | 100% success | 179 castings left |
Lightning bolt | 100% success | 50 castings left |
Protect armor | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Reflection | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Haste monster | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Diminish magic resistance | 100% success | 15 castings left |
Stinking cloud | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Divine mount | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Cold-enchant item | 100% success | 3 castings left |
Congregate | 100% success | 20 castings left |
Titan strength | 100% success | 15 castings left |
Create fruits | 100% success | 3 castings left |
Haste self | 100% success | 61 castings left |
Protection from lightning | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Touch of petrification | 83% success | 2 castings left |
Circle of lightning | 100% success | 50 castings left |
Water breathing | 100% success | 15 castings left |
Animate earth | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Magic storm | 100% success | 62 castings left |
Controlled level teleport | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Create iron golem | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Restore ability | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Major consultation | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Protection from lycanthropy | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Glacial grasp | 100% success | 100 castings left |
Force strike | 100% success | 60 castings left |
Force bolt | 100% success | 15 castings left |
Create monster | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Teleport self | 100% success | 7 castings left |
Create water | 100% success | 0 castings left |
Thunderstorm | 100% success | 40 castings left |
Incinerate | 100% success | 141 castings left |
Create glass golem | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Divine endurance | 100% success | 15 castings left |
Fear | 100% success | 15 castings left |
Negate magic resistance | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Improved monster detection | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Circle of frost | 100% success | 39 castings left |
Level teleport | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Animate fire | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Cone of cold | 100% success | 30 castings left |
Burning hands | 100% success | 100 castings left |
Magic mapping | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Detect unseen | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Protection from poison | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Sphere of domination | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Thunderstrike | 100% success | 100 castings left |
Detect traps | 100% success | 7 castings left |
Remove curse | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Summon ancient dragon | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Resurrection | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Water walking | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Stone to flesh | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Prayer | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Fireball | 100% success | 100 castings left |
Extra healing | 100% success | 24 castings left |
Teleport monster | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Mass conflict | 100% success | 9 castings left |
Summon gold dragon | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Greater animate fire | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Charm monster | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Call hierarch modron | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Enchant weapon | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Telepathy | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Mass slow | 100% success | 20 castings left |
Greater animate water | 100% success | 3 castings left |
Mass domination | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Summon elder treant | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Animate air | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Controlled teleport | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Death-enchant item | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Ice storm | 100% success | 70 castings left |
Summon dragon | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Disjunction | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Mass hold | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Mass sleep | 100% success | 16 castings left |
Greater frost ray | 100% success | 80 castings left |
Create gemstone golem | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Invisibility | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Forbid summoning | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Cancellation | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Sphere of annihilation | 100% success | 5 castings left |
Flesh to stone | 33% success | 2 castings left |
Mass charm | 100% success | 3 castings left |
Abolish magic resistance | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Prodigious healing | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Great Yendorian summoning | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Holy word | 100% success | |
Create silver golem | 33% success | 1 casting left |
Flame burst | 100% success | 150 castings left |
Full healing | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Black blade of disaster | 100% success | 3 castings left |
Freezing touch | 100% success | 40 castings left |
Circle of fire | 100% success | 89 castings left |
Ray of radiance | 100% success | 50 castings left |
Disintegrate | 0% success | 4 castings left |
Summon phoenix | 100% success | 2 castings left |
Finger of death | 66% success | 2 castings left |
Circle of teleportation | 100% success | 21 castings left |
Polymorph | 100% success | 12 castings left |
Meteor swarm | 100% success | 148 castings left |
Wish | 100% success | 0 castings left |
Globe of invulnerability | 100% success | 6 castings left |
Protection from curses | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Gaze of petrification | 0% success | 3 castings left |
Mass fear | 100% success | 10 castings left |
Celestial storm | 100% success | 50 castings left |
Deathspell | 16% success | 3 castings left |
Time stop | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Summon ancient gold dragon | 16% success | 1 casting left |
Wrath of god | 66% success | 40 castings left |
Summon purple worm | 100% success | 1 casting left |
Obliterate | 66% success | 4 castings left |
Negate undeath | 100% success | 4 castings left |
Call Demogorgon | 16% success | 0 castings left |
Dig | 100% success | 8 castings left |
Turn | |
1 | Andrew the neutral male human Tourist has entered the dungeon on grand master difficulty in classic mode |
2175 | entered the Gnomish Mines |
2867 | was bestowed with Orcrist by The Lady |
5160 | was bestowed with The Mattock of the Titans by The Lady |
6922 | was bestowed with Fire Brand by The Lady |
8112 | entered Sokoban |
11332 | entered the Large Circular Dungeon |
11786 | made his first wish - "blessed ioun stone of magic resistance" |
12436 | acquired the Gladstone from Mines' End |
13618 | completed 1st Sokoban level |
14193 | completed 2nd Sokoban level |
14668 | completed 3rd Sokoban level |
15522 | completed 4th Sokoban level |
15735 | completed Sokoban, acquiring a cylindrical amulet |
16924 | entered the Big Room |
18809 | wished for "blessed +2 legendary t-shirt of elemental protection" |
19173 | killed the Gargantuan Mimic |
20980 | averted death (killed by the Master of Thieves) |
21045 | killed the Master of Thieves |
21046 | acquired the Bell of Opening |
22194 | completed his quest without incident |
23830 | became The Lady's Envoy of Balance |
23830 | was bestowed with Vorpal Blade |
26371 | killed Medusa |
27189 | entered Gehennom |
27665 | wished for "blessed wings of flying" |
27668 | wished for "blessed magic marker" |
28557 | wished for "blessed +2 legendary hyperborean elite crystal full plate mail" |
29918 | killed Cerberus |
30184 | averted death (killed by invisible Dispater) |
30188 | killed the invisible Dispater |
30260 | wished for "blessed +2 legendary hyperborean elite adamantium helmet" |
30455 | entered the Plane of the Modron |
31172 | destroyed the invisible Modron Primus |
31209 | acquired the Prime Codex |
31615 | killed Jubilex |
31769 | killed Baalzebub |
32460 | killed the invisible Orcus |
32653 | destroyed Amonket |
33013 | entered the Hellish Pastures |
33064 | killed Yacc |
33523 | wished for "blessed spellbook of holy word" |
33747 | destroyed Vlad the Impaler |
33749 | acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation |
34369 | killed the Tarrasque |
35009 | killed Yeenaghu |
36014 | killed the Wizard of Yendor |
36024 | acquired the Book of the Dead |
36254 | killed Baphomet |
36316 | performed the invocation |
36575 | killed the high priestess of Moloch |
36589 | killed the invisible Asmodeus |
36595 | killed Geryon |
36603 | took a selfie with Demogorgon |
36606 | killed Demogorgon |
36620 | acquired the Amulet of Yendor |
37866 | wished for "Blessed wand of death" |
38413 | wished for "Blessed wand of trap detection" |
38427 | entered the Elemental Planes |
38427 | entered the Plane of Earth |
38481 | entered the Plane of Air |
38559 | entered the Plane of Fire |
38563 | killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times) |
38635 | entered the Plane of Water |
38751 | entered the Astral Plane |
38763 | killed Famine |
38799 | put Death down for a little nap |
38835 | killed Pestilence |
38849 | ascended to demigodhood |
2789 creatures vanquished.
You had gained 71% of your maximum role score.